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3 min read

Jul 11, 2022

Fortnightly Update: Dashboards Preview & Discord Community

James Whelton

Conjure Founder

Hello from Ireland, where the weather can't decide if it wants to be sunny or rainy.

Since the last fortnightly update, I took some time out to work on Dashboards, which I've wanted in Conjure for a long time.

I'm really excited about this.

Dashboards Preview

Dashboards will be rolled out (as beta) in the coming days.

With Dashboards, you can:

  • Visualize data from Habits, Measures & Objectives
  • Perform actions and shortcuts
  • Create shared Dashboards with others
  • Build your layout through drag-and-drop
  • Customize your workflow

Feel free to email me or join the Discord (see below) for more details.

Dashboard Blocks

Dashboards are made up of Blocks (which seems to be the more popular term than Widgets these days).

Some of the initial Blocks available are:

  • Number: Displays a number from Measures or Objectives, such as "Step Count This Week", "Books Read This Year", "Current Weight", and so on.
  • Text: Displays rich text, such as notes, links to resources, etc.
  • Image: Displays an image, including GIFs.
  • Embed: Embeds a webpage inside the block (e.g. lofi.cafe). You can also build custom blocks with this, along with the Conjure API.
  • Calendar Heatmap: A nifty way to visualize Measurements and Habit Completions over a long period.

New Blocks will be added on an ongoing basis. Ping me if you have ideas or requests.

Shared Dashboards

You can share a Dashboard with other Conjure users!

While each user can add blocks to the Dashboard, other users can not edit your blocks or see the underlying data. Other users can only see what you choose to show.

Some use cases for shared Dashboards are:

  • Peer Accountability Groups
  • Competitions with Friends
  • Coaching
  • Work-related KPIs & OKRs

Discord Community

Conjure has a new Discord community. Here more frequent updates are posted, requests for feedback on in-progress items, general discussion around Conjure, along with various resources and learnings shared.

If you want to be added, just email me!

What's Next

Once Dashboards are publicly available, the focus will shift back to Habit-related functionality on web and mobile.

Dashboards provide an excellent mechanism for reporting and customization. I'm excited to use Conjure with others through shared Dashboards.

Until the next fortnightly update.
Wishing you good weather,

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