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Blog / Changelog
2 min read

Jun 13, 2022

Fortnightly Update: Times Per Week Habits

James Whelton

Conjure Founder

Greetings from NYC, via Texas, on my way back to Ireland.

The latest Conjure updates are:

  • 'Times Per Week' support added to Habits (see below)
  • Habit's note icon now always shows (no longer just on hover)
  • Performance improvements on habits day view on web and mobile
  • Several minor bug fixes
  • Public signup enabled 🎉

Times Per Week Habits

A heavily requested feature has been to allow habits to occur a certain number of times a week, rather than just on specific days of the week or month.

For example, having an 'Exercise' habit occur 3 times a week, which can be completed on any day, rather than explicitly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

This is now live on both web and mobile; you can see the related docs here. Please let me know any feedback!

Next Up

Some of the notable items in progress currently are:

  • Habit Times Per Day
  • Habit Start From Date
  • Habit Create & Edit on Mobile App
  • iOS Habits Widget & Apple Watch App
  • Release Zapier Integration & Open Source

Looking For Feedback on Habit Groups

I've been brainstorming and discussing Habit Groups with one user (thank you N!) and looking for other users who may be interested in this feature. Below is a rough mock-up illustrating what's in mind.

As always, please let me know any questions, feedback, suggestions, or ways I can help, by emailing me or hitting the 'Feedback' button in-app.


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